Q. My friends are telling me that taking test in regional areas is easy. Is it true?

Ans: We teach you in such a way that you would be skill and confident enough to drive any places  regardless traffic and weather conditions.

Q. How many lessons should I take per week?

Ans: From  1 to 3 hours is recommended.

Q. Do I need all of my 120 log book hours to practice with an Instructor?

Ans: If someone wants he can. But we suggest to take a minimum of 10 hours practice to start with  and gradually  finish all his hours with his parents. When he is about to finish his 120 log hours he can come back to his friendly instructor form Quick Licence Drive School and the instructor will prepare him for the Drive test.

Q. How many hours of practice do I need to do with an Instructor as a beginner?

Ans: Different people learn in different pace. But on an average a 10 to 15 hours practice with  instructors form Quick Licence Drive School would do the job.